Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween to All

We made another quick trip down to the new cabin in Duck Creek this weekend. My brother David and his wife Candice and their two adorable kids Addie and Cole came up from AZ. All the UT family went down as well. On our way up the canyon we stopped for a scenic picture...this was the best of many taken with the camera timer. Soon our family of 3 will be 4...only 3 more months. That is if you count Bow.
Bow had to wear these funny booties if he was allowed in the house. They are made for a much bigger dog than him and he had quite a hard time walking in them.

My sister Lana and her husband Steve relaxing by the fire. My parents got these rockers from an Amish town in the east and I love them. I think they look cool and they are really comfortable.

Cute Cole and Bow. Best of buddies.

Friday we had a little Halloween party and Doug tried to scare everyone with his gorilla costume. He first appeared outside the big windows and we tried to scare the kids by telling them it was a bear. Sadly, no one but Addison got scared, but it was worth a try.

Bow got dressed up for the party...I have no idea what he was, possibly an alien. It was on clearance at Petsmart, so that's what he got. I think he looks like he really hates me for dressing him up in this picture.

Addie was a pretty witch and this was her "scary face". Pretty cute if you ask me. Cole was such a cute little chicken.

Little ghost cups of deliciousness and excellent carmel apples with great toppings.

The witch pinata was the best part of the night. It was so funny to see this little witch on a broom hitting all the older boys in the head. It was very entertaining.

Doug and I took a nap in the back of the car on the way home while Bow drove us safely back to Provo. He is such a well trained dog.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Beck Haven

My parents just finished building a cabin in Duck Creek, Utah. Its' up the canyon from Cedar City and very beautiful. 6 of the siblings gathered there this past weekend to help move in and enjoy eachothers company.

Doug worked very hard on removing a large rock from a path we were making up to the water turn off. My dad joked that we might find the golden plates hiden beneath it, but we were not so lucky. What a man Doug!

I loved seeing all my nieces and nephews. This is my adorable niece Callie that loved Bow. She wanted to ride him like a horse, so she did.

Sunday was my dad's birthday, so we celebrated with the family that was there.

The fall colors were amazing, even though I didn't get any pictures of them. It was such a fun and relaxing weekend. I can't wait to go back for years to come and enjoy the time in Duck Creek.